applying for your health card (tessera sanitaria) at the ASL counters. If you are not an Italian citizen, you will need to re-register with your doctor every 5 years. The payment must be done by postal money order (in Italian called bollettino. The modalities change depending on the reason and duration of stay.
you will be issued a medical registration card (tessera sanitaria). Applying for or renewing a health card for foreigners staying or residing in Italy allows them to use the services offered by the facilities of the National Health Service(NHS).
NOTE: If your work contract ends, you will need to re-register with your doctor regardless of the expiry date on your tessera sanitaria. How to Sign-Up for Italys Public Healthcare System Registering with the Italian National Healthcare Service Obtaining a Tessera Sanitaria Choosing a public. The Italian Health Insurance Card - Tessera Sanitaria ( TS) - is the personal document issued to all citizens, entitled to the benefits of the National Health Service (SSN). Italys national health plan (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale), provides for hospital. If you are coming from a European country, your European Health Insurance Card EHIC (formerly the E111 form) can be used to obtain free health assistance for the interim period pending registration with the national health service. Your doctor will ask to see your tessera sanitaria (healthcare card) when you visit. The process of obtaining a doctor can take several weeks. The health card will be issued and a doctor will be assigned to you. Once there, you will be asked to fill in a form. permesso di soggiorno (non-EU citizens only).

certificate of residency or self-declaration of domicile if you haven’t already applied for residency.You will need to bring the following documents: The Health card is a personal document issued to individuals entitled to benefit of the Italian National Health Service. You may request an English-speaking doctor. You can apply for your tessera sanitaria and register for a doctor at the ATS (formerly known as ASL) which is located in Bergamo in Via Borgo Palazzo 130, across the road from Carrefour. All citizens receive a health card ( tessera sanitaria), which includes the codice fiscale that is used when you visit the doctor, buy medicine at a pharmacy, book a test in a lab, have a specialist examination in hospital, etc.

The national health service territorial office is called ATS ( Azienda di Tutela alla Salute). Italy has a national health plan ( Servizio Sanitario Nazionale), which provides for hospital and medical services.