Continental Breakfast works so well because we finally see the straight man lose his marbles.

He’s always the stiff one when it comes to the two yet he does get an even share of laughs and gags so don’t hold this against him. Throughout a majority of the sketches it is clear that Key is the wacky goofball of the team and Peele is the straight man. With questions “Would you let me date your daughter?” and shooting a redneck after he invites them to live in his colony “C’mon redneck wants us to move in? US?” It’s a high production with unique laughs till the end. But how exactly do they tell if this person is man or Martian? Well with some good ol’ fashioned racism of course. Key and Peele are two of the survivors armed are cautious, they ask simple questions to any “human” they come across. The aliens have landed, devastated society and are impersonating humans. And yes there is a part 2 featuring a different teacher played by Peele, but it’s not great, it’s just a fart joke. Are you ready to go to war? Because he is, so you better check yourself, then check out these two sketches.

And his temper is about as well tamed as a wild animal. Garvey sees the most innocent things such as a student correcting him on the pronunciation of their name or asking to leave early to get their year book photos taken. Garvey, a hardened educator who thought in the inner-city for 20 years, so he won’t be taking any funny business lightly. One of their most popular and well known sketches, Substitute Teacher sees Key take on the guise of Mr. Warning as coarse language and suggestive themes are used, if you care about that sort of thing To give you the best first impression I can, here are a collection of some of their best work. So what better time to start watching than now? And they easily rival and, in my opinion, top the more well-known sketch shows like College Humour and Funny or Die.Īnd with one of the highest rated shows on Comedy Central, over 250 million hits online, and plans for feature films, these guys show no sign of losing momentum. I, for example, have been a huge fan for many months now, and I have yet to see quite a bit of their content due to how frequently they pump out such high quality gags. While their sketches are all self-contained and there is no real bad place to start watching, some of their more popular ones have spun off into fan favourite series, from the Substitute Teacher with a short temper, to the hyperactive valets with a strong love for Liam Neeson movies, or even the many segments featuring Peele’s impression of Obama, either in present day or his college years, you are rewarded for being a regular viewer. From the light hearted, to the dark, to the relatable and absurd, to the simple wordplay. From the quotable to ones you need to rewind because you were too busy laughing at the first few jokes to hear the later ones. Using multiple different styles of humour, impressions and playing an absurd variety of characters, Key and Peele is one of the most refreshing comedy shows out there, with its blend of familiar and original humour to create a binge worthy goldmine of laughs. Keegan Michael Key and Jorgen Peele are sketch comedians on Comedy Central although if you don’t live in America, you’re relegated to seeing them online as Comedy Central upload a fair amount of their sketches to Youtube.

In all likelihood you haven’t heard of this duo of comic genius.