Note: crafted weapon potency is linearly tied to level on creation.

You just need the appropriate scroll and a book corresponding to the appropriate skill type. Larian Studios Forums Divinity: Original Sin 2 Divinity - Original Sin 2 - General Crafting Bible Locations: Forums Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Crafting Bible Locations 651926 15/02/19 02:45 AM. This page is for collecting recipes and materials for crafting in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Crafting these skills can make them available earlier than normal, or in some cases is the only reliable way to get the skill in question.

Divinity Original Sin 2 has an in-depth crafting system with the ability to create hundreds of potential crafted items. Here are the top crafting recipes players need to know. While many skills are gained by buying books at different vendors (or found during the course of the game), you can actually directly craft your own skill books. On this page of the guide, you can find descriptions of 10 crafting recipes that are worth checking out. Published Divinity Original Sin 2 has an thorough crafting system, but not all combinations are useful. Magic Tusk is called 'Magic Tooth' in the game. For example, Long Rat Tail Ring has better poison resistance than Rat Tail Ring.
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